Our Team

Our People Make The Difference

Investment Team

Rich Erickson
Rich Erickson
Co-Founder and Managing Director
Conor Mullett
Conor Mullett
Co-Founder and Managing Director
Tony Abena
Tony Abena
Operating Partner
James Elliott
James Elliott
Vice President
Stan Bikulege
Stan Bikulege
Vice President
Drew Coash
Drew Coash
Director of Business Development
Scott Rivlin
Scott Rivlin
Luke Bikulege
Luke Bikulege

Finance & Operations

Laurel Vermette
Laurel Vermette
Operations Manager

Operating Advisors

Lightview’s Operating Advisors play an integral role in applying Lightview’s Value Creation Playbook, providing insight, expertise, and guidance to our portfolio companies.

Doug Berg
Michael Carus
Joe Falkenstein
Larry Freed
Michael Marcon
Shawn Miele
Mark Perlstein
Steve Simcox
David Weiss
Timothy Murray